The EOSIO DID method specification
Gimly has built a full draft of the EOSIO Decentralised Identifier (DID) method specification. This specification guides the implementation of DIDs on EOSIO powered blockchains.

Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) are an important part of the self-sovereign identity (SSI) technology stack. The DID is the lowest level on top of which other identity components such as Verifiable Credentials (personal information or information about organisations and other entities) can be built. Using the SSI tech stack allows applications to use an interoperable identity that is driven by a well curated set of privacy and security knowledge. Using an SSI architecture brings privacy and security to digital human identity, and significantly removes technical and legal friction for governments, enterprise and SMEs.
DID:EOSIO Specification
We have been working with the Decentralised Identity Foundation to shape this specification, and also want to thank the W3C Credentials Community Group for their support in the creation of the Verifiable Condition type, a necessary component to create the EOSIO DID document to represent EOSIO account permissions.
EOSIO Identity working group
This work has been done through the EOSIO identity working group WG (Twitter #eosio_id)! This open working group (WG) aims to promote and foster the ecosystem development for interoperable identity solutions using EOSIO technology by creating and implementing W3C conformant open standards on self-sovereign identity (SSI).

Gimly will be participating in the eSSIf-lab second infra call with our connector for using NFC smartcards in SSI solutions AND we will be conbtributing to the NGI-ontochain project with a self-sovereign datavault and identity management panel.
For these projects and ongoing work with clients, we are looking for a new mid-level full-stack developer as well as a senior product development manager. See the jobs below and if you know someone interested we will be happy to hear from him/her!
Read also:

EOSIO Identity Group Kickoff - April 12th

Decentralized Identity (SSI) Wallets